That person whom you always seek to find. The one that drives you through the day. Could it be too soon to be so attached? I trust you enough to stop caring, and find myself with you in mind. Often I will catch myself drifting off, wondering. I hope you're smiling, happy during the day. I love your smile.
I was told today that I grow on people. It got me thinking, do I really? I have always been a bit likable, but I'd never though more of it. Well maybe I am just me. Who knows if I'm a rare breed, or even any good. It seems those who least deserve love get it. Maybe that is why? I don't know, but hopefully someday I can use this for more good<3
I have listened to a lot of new music recently, looking to find ones that fit my moods. In fact, I have been experiencing new moods every day. The medication and life changes have affected me so that every day is a new... flavor you could call it. Like tasting a new emotion every day, slightly changed. It's amazing and I wish I could share the experience. You really can find a bright side to everything, like a great feeling in a mental disorder.
These emotional flavors are so distinctly different, even in the slightest ways. Words do not do it justice. At the moment I am calm and content, amused. Curious and teasing, playful in a mellow way. Almost like a cat, haha. Anyways, the mood is very enjoyable. Like a favorite flavor of ice-cream, I'll have the taste on my mind for a while.
Time is the test of all things and we shall see how we fair. It brings happiness to the heart and soul to hear you enjoying life.